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Blood and Guts walking tours

March 2025

Treasures of the Library

Date(s): 26 March 2025

Time: 11am and 12pm

Cost: £6.68-£9.95

Booking Link:

The Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh’s Library and Archive are delighted to offer the opportunity to view some of our rare collections not on public display. The College Library and Archive, which has its origins in the seventeenth century, has accumulated a world-renowned collection of significant surgical, medical and historical texts from…


Dissecting The Author: The Great Dead Body Teachers with Jackie Dent

Date(s): 6 March 2025

Time: 7pm

Cost: £3

Age Restrictions: 16+

Booking Link:

Join this Zoom talk as we discuss the practice of whole body donation and dissection. In this online event Surgeons Hall Museums Human Remains Conservator Cat Irving will be joined by journalist and author Jackie Dent. Jackie will discuss the research behind her book The Great Dead Body Teachers. Weaving the personal with the history of anatomy an…


Lunch Time Talk: A Beginners Guide to Toxicology

Date(s): 5 March 2025

Time: 1.15pm

Cost: £3

Age Restrictions: 16+

Booking Link:

Join us for this bite sized lunch time talk exploring the history of medicine. Toxicology is the study of how poisons work and how to understand the risks they pose. In this talk Professor Ken Donaldson, Senior Research Fellow in the Museum, will discuss the basics of Toxicology and how our everyday environment may affect our health. It’s difficul…



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